Queensferry Parish Church

HomeSundayService Times

What's On

Service Times

Reading Board.jpeg

Sunday Mornings

All-Age Service 10:00-11:00 - Worship for the whole family; we all start and finish together, but with two parallel learning opportunities (for adults and teenagers in the church, and for children in the Queen Margaret Hall) in the middle of the service. A crèche is provided from around 10:15.

Communion is held at: 10:00am on the first Sundays of March, June, September and December.

Thursday Mornings

9:30 - 10:00 (ish!) - A reflective service with a Celtic tradition

Where is it? Held in the Sanctuary at QPC, “Midweek”, as we regulars call it, is a short service of approximately 30 mins.

What is it? The service follows a pattern of readings and prayers according to the Celtic tradition and reflects the 4 Seasons and the changing Church calendar of Advent, Christmas, Lent. Easter and Pentecost.

Who does it? There is a rota of Bible Readings and Psalms and a different member of the group leads each week. They volunteer ( absolutely NO coercion!) well in advance and prepare a 10 minute reflection on the Bible passage.

And then? Afterwards we enjoy coffee/tea and biscuits—-sometimes even cake!—-at Hillstop. Spiritual food first, then food for the body next!!

THURSDAY is a very special day of the week for us and we would love you to come and join us. You will be made so welcome. Contact the Church Office for more details