Queensferry Parish Church

What's On

“I AM” Banners

This set of four banners was designed and made by nine teenagers and nine adults meeting two/three times weekly from mid July to mid August 1998. These banners are meant to complement the woven rugs, based on the same theme, which are used and displayed in the church.

The planning time was of crucial importance as we studied the texts, and listened to wider commentaries on the theme. Everyone was involved in teasing out the central message from each statement, and finally drawing what the text meant to them. With each banner, there is an indication of how our thoughts and understanding developed and how the designs evolved. Each of our banners has at least two or more themes represented in the final designPrepare a highway, clear it of stones; Isaiah 2 v 10

I am the ressurrection and the life; John 11 v 25
I am the light of the world; John 8 v 12
I am the good shepherd; John 10 v 7-11
I am the true vine; Revelation 15 v 1