Queensferry Parish Church

What's On

John Carrie Memorial Fund

When we set out to provide a fitting memorial for our former minister, John Carrie, we wanted to remember his ministry here in Queensferry and we also wanted to give, in his memory, a long term benefit to the children of Chogoria, our partners in Kenya.

A fund was started in 2008 and £16,432.89 was raised. The money was initially used to fund a stained glass window costing £11,850.19. The beautiful stained glass window in the church is full of colour and meaning, it enhances our church building and glorifies God. It gave us here in Queensferry a permanent reminder of John’s long and wonderful ministry.

To help Chogoria, we wanted to pay to train a teacher. By this means, we set out to help not just one child but many children, perhaps for years to come. A possible trainee teacher was identified by David Mbae and she started her teacher training in 2009. Such was the generosity of our congregation and the people of Queensferry that a second teacher started her training in 2010 and a third in 2012. The first two ladies are now fully trained and David Mbae’s latest letter advises us that both are working as teachers. The third teacher has started her training and the fund will support her through her two years at college.

(All three teachers are pictured here).

While a group from our congregation visited Chogoria last summer, we discussed with David Mbae the immediate needs of his own primary school which is situated beside the church in Chogoria. We were able to send money to David to buy essential materials for his school. More recently, we have also heard of two children who have needed specific support with their education and the fund helped out with this as well.

In total the money sent to Kenya has been £4,582.70. So what started out in 2009 as an ambition to train one teacher has resulted in long term benefits for education in Chogoria, training not one but three teachers, giving them a job and a purpose in life and also providing education and hope to many children in one of the most needy parts of Africa.

E J Proven, John Carrie Memorial Committee